DISCLAIMER: For all you guys out there, this contains some rather explicit descriptions of aging female body parts - so read on at your own risk! 

What is
the deal? You wake up one morning & you suddenly have “old
lady” skin. If you are over 60 you know exactly what I mean, you rotate
your arm a bit & there they are – tons of little tiny wrinkles. What
used to be a smooth attractive arm (just wait, Michele Obama) now resembles something that looks
like uncooked chicken skin. And it seems to come on quickly, almost
appearing overnight.
If you
twist your arm just so, hold it really still & tilt your head at
a certain angle you can still create the appearance of almost smooth
skin. But, alas, you can't walk around looking like a robot with your
arms stiffly stuck out from your sides & your neck craned
It took
me several tries to make sure the old lady skin didn't show too badly
on my arms & neck in the photo to the right.
One more thought – don't ever, ever look down into a mirror, you will see your
grandmother's neck & chin staring back at you. It will scare the crap out of you!

And, oh
Lord, the boobs! Even just 10 years ago I had perky, little boobs
that we referred to as a nice handful. When I was much younger
we had the “pencil test” to determine if you needed to wear a
bra. If you placed a pencil cross-wise below your breast & it
stayed put, you needed a bra. If it fell to the floor, you were good
to go braless.
To my
delight for most of my life, the pencil clattered to the floor. But I
tried it last week just for the hell of it & the damn thing was
really lodged under there. It took a lot of jumping & bouncing to
knock it loose. Geez!
When I
play with my almost two year old granddaughter, Charley, we sing a
song about a dog with droopy ears. It’s a catchy tune & some of
you may remember it.
Do your
ears hang low?
Do they
wobble to and fro?
etc., etc.
Well, every
time I hear it, I want to substitute “boobs” for “ears”:
Do your
boobs hang low?
Do they
wobble to and fro?
Can you
tie ‘em in a knot?
Can you
tie ‘em in a bow?
Do your
boobs hang low?
you know the best part? I wouldn't change this wonderful time in my
life with my granddaughter & her parents & my partner &
my family & friends & traveling for all the smooth skin & perky boobs in
the world! I've earned every single one of these wrinkles!
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